Lives Worth Living (2011)


Lives Worth Living (2011)

It may be the least-publicized revolution of our time but the one whose impact ultimately reaches the furthest, affecting the way our buildings and buses are built, the way our schools are structured, the way our businesses conduct hiring and outfit their work stations. It’s the disability-rights movement, and “Lives Worth Living,” a Thursday “Independent Lens” on PBS, reconstructs how it emerged and eventually pushed through the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. -- NY Times

  • 3:19
    John Kusiak, P. Andrew Willis
  • 2:33
    John Kusiak, P. Andrew Willis
  • 1:49
    John Kusiak, P. Andrew Willis
  • 2:59
    John Kusiak, P. Andrew Willis
  • 1:43
    John Kusiak, P. Andrew Willis